The next installment in our Kveik Culture Collab series is a West Coast IPA brewed in collaboration with our friends at Alesmith (San Diego, USA). This beer features locally grown malt from Jæren Malt and is fermented with a unique Norwegian Kveik yeast strain, Stalljen, from Kveik Yeastery. For an authentic West Coast hop profile, we used the holy trinity of hops: Citra, Simcoe, and Mosaic, imparting notes of citrus, orange rind, pine, and tropical fruit, all balanced with a firm bitterness.
Produsent: LERVIG
Ordinær pris: 90 kr
Studentpris: 60 kr
Volum: 0.33 L
Type: Øl, IPA, Kveik Culture
Alkoholinnhold: 6.5%